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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C_KP_KEYPROV_CONTEXTInformation structure used when querying keys from key providers
 C_KP_KEYPROV_INFOInformation about a key provider
 C_KP_KEYPROV_KEYA key returned by a key provider
 C_PW_DBHEADERDatabase header structure. All KeePass KDB files begin with this structure
 C_PW_ENTRYEntry structure, containing information about one entry
 C_PW_GROUPGroup structure, containing information about one group
 C_PW_TIMETime structure
 C_PW_UUID_STRUCTStructure wrapping one GUID
 C_PWDB_REPAIR_INFOStructure containing information about a database repairing process
 CIKpUnknownBase interface from which all other interfaces must derive
 CIKpAPIKeePass API for plugins, provides access to all objects in KeePass (singletons, instantiable objects, utility method classes, etc)
 CIKpAPI2KeePass API for plugins, provides access to all objects in KeePass (singletons, instantiable objects, utility method classes, etc)
 CIKpAPI3KeePass API for plugins, provides access to all objects in KeePass (singletons, instantiable objects, utility method classes, etc)
 CIKpCommandLineInterface to a command line handling object
 CIKpCommandLineOptionInterface to an object wrapping a command line option
 CIKpConfigInterface to a configuration object
 CIKpDatabaseInterface to a database handling object
 CIKpFileTransactionInterface to a file transaction object
 CIKpFullPathNameInterface to an object wrapping a path
 CIKpPluginInterface to a plugin object
 CIKpUtilitiesInterface to an object providing various utility methods
 CKP_ENTRYStructure used for entry validations by plugins
 CKP_GENERATED_PASSWORDStructure used for generated password validations by plugins
 CKP_MENU_ITEMStructure containing information about one main menu item provided by a plugin

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