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User Interface Improvements

KeePass 1.11 and 2.06 introduce several user interface improvements when running on Windows Vista or higher.

Dialog Improvements

KeePass ≥ 1.11 and ≥ 2.06 use modern task dialogs when running on Windows Vista or higher.

For example, the key file overwrite prompt of KeePass 1.x when running on Windows 2000/XP and Windows Vista:

Key File Overwrite Prompt on Windows 2000/XP
Windows 2000/XP
Key File Overwrite Prompt on Windows Vista
Windows Vista

Another example is the save confirmation dialog when closing/locking/exiting:

Save Confirmation on Windows 2000/XP
Windows 2000/XP;
shown when closing the database, locking
the workspace and exiting KeePass

Closing on Windows Vista
Closing on Windows Vista

Locking on Windows Vista
Locking on Windows Vista
Exiting on Windows Vista
Exiting on Windows Vista

Another example (added in KeePass 1.13):

Read-Only Mode on Windows 2000/XP
Windows 2000/XP
Read-Only Mode on Windows Vista
Windows Vista

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