Password Safe

KeePass 2.29 released

Screenshot KeePass 2.29 has been released today!

You can get it here: Download KeePass 2.29.

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade from any previous 2.x version to 2.29.

KeePass 2.29 mainly features integration and user interface enhancements, and various other minor new features and improvements.

Hash sums and OpenPGP signatures for integrity checking are available. The .NET assemblies are signed, public keys for verifying are available.

For a comparison of the current KeePass 1.29 and 2.29, see: Editions Comparison.

If you like KeePass, please don't forget to donate.

Changes from 2.28 to 2.29:

New Features:

  • Added high resolution icons.
  • Added support for high resolution custom icons.
  • Added option in the proxy configuration dialog to use the user's default credentials (provided by the system).
  • {FIREFOX} placeholder: if no regular Firefox is installed, KeePass now looks for Firefox ESR.
  • {PICKCHARS} placeholder: the Conv-Fmt option now supports all combinations of '0', 'A', 'a' and '?'; '?' skips a combobox item.
  • Added {BEEP X Y} auto-type command (where X is the frequency in hertz and Y the duration in milliseconds).
  • Added optional 'Attachments (Count)' entry list column.
  • Added Ctrl+Insert shortcut as alternative for Ctrl+C in the entry list of the main window.
  • Added shortcut keys for 'Copy Entries' (Ctrl+Shift+C) and 'Paste Entries' (Ctrl+Shift+V).
  • Added some access keys in various dialogs.
  • In the field reference dialog, the field in which the reference will be inserted is now selected as source field by default.
  • Added UUID uniqueness check.
  • Added support for importing Passphrase Keeper 2.60 HTML files (in addition to the already supported 2.50 and 2.70 formats).
  • The path of the local configuration file can now be changed using the '-cfg-local:' command line parameter.
  • Plugins can now access the KeePass resources (images, icons, etc.) through the IPluginHost interface.
  • Added a few workarounds for external window manipulations before the main window has been fully constructed.
  • Added workaround for .NET gradient drawing bug; 'Blue Carbon' dialog banners are now drawn correctly on high DPI.
  • Added workaround for Mono file version information block generation bug.
  • KPScript: added 'EstimateQuality' command (to estimate the quality of a specified password).
  • All KeePass program binaries are now digitally signed (thanks to Certum/Unizeto).

Improvements / Changes:

  • In the master key creation dialog, the 'Create' and 'Browse' buttons are now disabled when a key provider is selected.
  • Changed behavior of the 'Use system proxy settings' option (KeePass now directly gets the system proxy settings, not the .NET default proxy settings).
  • Improved focus restoration after closing the character picking dialog.
  • Removed 'O' and 'C' access keys from 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons (instead, press Enter for 'OK' and Esc for 'Cancel').
  • Improved remembering of splitter positions.
  • Improved assignments of check mark images to menu items.
  • Improved behavior when synchronizing a local EFS-encrypted database file with a local database file.
  • On Unix-like systems, hot key boxes now show 'External' instead of 'None'.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.


  • AltGr+E (i.e. Ctrl+Alt+E) does not focus the quick search box anymore.