Many thanks to the German Federal Office for Information Security
(Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) and
mgm security partners
for sponsoring and performing a code analysis of KeePass 2.x (project
CAOS 3.0 ,
press report ).
No security vulnerabilities classified as medium, high or critical were found.
However, two minor potential security vulnerabilities and some improvable code
parts were identified. As a result, various improvements have been implemented;
see the KeePass 2.57.1 changelog.
Notes on the code analysis report:
D. Findings with the classification 'Bad practice', by line number
in 'keepass-sast.xlsx':
- 97-99. For these three links, HTTP has now been replaced by HTTPS.
- 100. Unfortunately, this website does not support HTTPS (no connection
possible). Therefore, the link has now been replaced by a link to
(similar website, but supports HTTPS).
- 101-103 and 105. These problems have now been fixed. All
streams/readers/writers mentioned are now closed immediately, even when an
exception occurs.
- 104. Fixed.
E1.1. For details about the security of auto-type's window/sequence
matching, see the section
'Auto-Type Window/Sequence Matching'.
In the report, it is suggested that for a global auto-type operation, an entry
should match only if the title of the target window matches the title of the
KeePass entry exactly.
This is not an improvement in our opinion, for the following two reasons:
- Security is not really increased. If a malicious website uses exactly the
same title as a legitimate website, the window title is also identical for both
websites, and thus the two websites are indistinguishable for auto-type.
If an exact match would be necessary, a malicious website could not specify
multiple service names, but such an attack is probably rather rare.
An attacker who wants to phish usually tries to create a website that looks as
real as possible (including the title); multiple service names in the title
would increase the likelihood that a user would recognize the website as malicious
(especially when KeePass shows a selection dialog due to multiple matching entries).
- The suggestion is not practical, because window titles often contain additional
text that you do not want in an entry title. In the example in the report
(website with the URL '
https://wiki.mgm-tp.com/confluence/dologin.action '),
the window title is 'Log In - mgm Confluence - Mozilla Firefox', and this is
exactly what a user would have to enter as entry title if an exact match would
be required. Prefixes such as 'Log In -' and suffixes such as '- Mozilla Firefox'
in the entry title would make it much more difficult for users to find and manage entries.
Furthermore, a reasonable sorting of entries by title would no longer be possible
(as sorting would primarily be done by prefixes).
Note that it is already possible to enforce exact matches. The user can turn off
the option 'An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title'
(in the menu 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced'; thus the entry
title becomes irrelevant for auto-type and can be chosen freely) and add the
target window for each entry in the entry dialog on the 'Auto-Type' tab page (button
'Add'). If no wildcard and no regular expression is specified in the target window
field, an exact match is required for the entry to match. This approach means
additional effort for the user, and even minor changes to the window title mean
that an entry no longer matches (and for example, all auto-type target windows
have to be changed when the web browser is changed). So, there are several
disadvantages and no real security benefit, but anyone who wants to can proceed
in this way.
E1.2. The default values for
key derivation functions
(KDFs) in KeePass are based on the current
OWASP recommendations (2024).
- In the case of Argon2, KeePass uses 2 as the degree of parallelism (instead
of 1), because almost every device nowadays has at least 2 CPU cores and in the
case of KeePass, multiple KDFs are not usually computed in parallel (in contrast
to servers). Furthermore, the memory parameter has been increased to 64 MB (with
2 iterations). The default values for Argon2 in KeePass are therefore a little
higher than the current OWASP recommendation.
- AES-KDF is somewhat similar to PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256, for which OWASP currently
recommends 600000 iterations. This is exactly the default value that KeePass
uses for AES-KDF.
For computing AES-KDF, KeePass uses an AES implementation that uses the AES-NI
instruction set, if the current processor supports it. With AES-NI, AES (and
therefore AES-KDF) is computed significantly faster. The processor used in the
test (Intel Core i7-6820HQ) supports AES-NI. However, there are many applications
(for other devices such as smartphones) that can open KDBX
files, but where AES-NI is not available (as it is not supported by the processor
or cannot be accessed by the programming language used). In this case, AES-KDF
is slower and is therefore closer in time to Argon2 with the default values
(same order of magnitude).
The KDF parameters should of course ensure good security, but it should also
be possible to open a KDBX file with most applications on reasonably up-to-date
devices in a reasonable amount of time. In our opinion, the current default
values are currently a good compromise. We will continue to monitor developments
and adjust the default values in due time (as it has already been done several
times in previous KeePass versions).
E2. This is not a security issue, as explained in the section
'Malicious Data'
(to which the report also refers).
However, we like the suggestion to show a confirmation dialog.
Therefore, two options have now been added:
- Show confirmation dialog when running/opening a
cmd:// ' URI.
- Show confirmation dialog when evaluating/replacing a
{CMD:...} ' placeholder.
Both options can be found in the menu 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab
'Interface (1)', and both are turned on by default.
E3. Cf. E2. The following option has now been added (in the menu
'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Interface (1)', turned on by default):
- Show confirmation dialog when evaluating/replacing a
{REF:P@...} ' placeholder.
E4. The Spamex.com import module has now been removed.
E5. KeePass uses the 'HttpWebRequest ' class of .NET here,
which can follow redirects automatically/transparently. We are not aware of any
way to show a confirmation dialog before following a redirect (after the first
request). However, it is possible to prohibit following redirects.
An option 'Follow redirects' has now been added in the
'Open From URL' dialog on the 'Advanced' tab
page. 'Yes'/'No' turns following redirects on/off; the default is 'Automatic',
which means that KeePass leaves the decision to .NET (which is usually 'Yes').
As legitimate servers also use redirects, they are not prohibited by default.
F. File 'keepass_cpd.txt':
- The files with the extension '.Designer.cs' contain only code that was
generated by the Windows Forms Designer (Visual Studio) for the dialogs.
There was no copy&paste here. Some of the dialogs or parts of them are
similar, which is intentional (consistent user interface).
Similar code cannot be combined here (refactoring), because otherwise the
Windows Forms Designer cannot be used anymore.
- The file 'XmlSerializerEx.Gen.cs' contains only automatically generated
code for XML serialization (similar to Microsoft's SGen). There was no
copy&paste here. The first few lines to deserialize an object are indeed
often the same, as the procedure is the same at the beginning (skipping an
empty element, reading the start tag and jumping to the content) and then a
loop begins to read the contained elements. As only very few of the lines are
independent of the type, it is not particularly useful to move parts into
separate functions here. Furthermore, the code parts exist only once in the
generator (see 'XmlSerializerEx.cs'). In order to make it clearer that
'XmlSerializerEx.Gen.cs' contains only automatically generated code, the file
has now been renamed to 'XmlSerializerEx.Generated.cs'.
- Files in 'KeePass/UI/ToolStripRendering': a base class for the color tables
has now been added and most of the methods for drawing the background of menu
items have been combined in the '
ProExtTsr ' class.
- Files in 'KeePass/DataExchange/Formats': most of these findings have now
been revised.
- File 'CsvStreamReader.cs': the code has now been combined.
- For various reasons, we do not want to change the few remaining findings.