As of KeePass 2.39, the trigger event
'User interface state updated' is unsupported.
If you have a trigger with this event, you should adjust the trigger.
Solution 1 (Generic).
As an alternative to the event 'User interface state updated',
KeePass 2.39 introduces a new event called 'Time - Periodic',
which is raised at user-defined intervals.
Consider replacing a 'User interface state updated' event
by this new event.
Solution 2 (Auto-Save).
KeePass now has a new option
'Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog'
(in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced').
If you used the 'User interface state updated' event for realizing
an auto-save trigger, consider deleting the trigger and turning on the new
option instead.
This option is a lightweight solution for saving automatically after modifying
important data.
If you also want KeePass to automatically save after less important changes
(like creating groups or moving entries), use Solution 1 mentioned above.