Field placeholders do not work anymore
Field placeholders in URLs and auto-type do not work anymore. They are either not
replaced at all or replaced by a wrong text.
KeePass 1.10 introduced support for environment variables in URLs and
auto-type. Environment variables are denoted by %VAR% , where
VAR is the name of the variable.
Previous KeePass versions allowed field placeholders in % -syntax.
This has been removed, because it conflicts with the environment
variables syntax. For example, %USERNAME% was replaced by the
user name field in KeePass ≤ 1.09, whereas your Windows user name is
inserted in KeePass 1.10. In order to insert the entry user name, use {USERNAME} .
Always use the {} -syntax for field placeholders, i.e.
{URL} ,
{PASSWORD} , and
Upgrading from KeePass ≤ 1.09 to 1.10
More information can be found in the
Upgrading to KeePass 1.09 document.