Complex references do not work with auto-type
When referencing fields of other entries that contain special
auto-type characters (like '(', ')', '{', '}', '%', etc.), copying
to the clipboard works fine, but auto-type fails.
Field references are followed recursively. In order to allow this
recursive behavior, characters of inserted reference data are not escaped
for auto-type, which makes auto-type fail.
None yet. To avoid the problem, don't use special auto-type characters
in data fields.
[Update: This problem has been fixed for KeePass 1.13.
Development snapshot available on request.]
Workaround for auto-type:
You can escape referenced data manually for auto-type,
however note that copying the fields to clipboard then won't work
correctly anymore (the escaped data will be copied).
Auto-type does not send special characters anymore
When trying to auto-type a complex password containing special characters,
auto-type misses characters or types random-looking data.
The field reference features introduced in KeePass 1.12 required
a change in the string parsing and replacement engine to support
recursive replacements. This change however can in some cases
prevent characters from being escaped for auto-type, which makes
auto-type missing characters.
Additionally, using back- and forward-referencing (cyclic entry dependency
graph) you can
access/insert memory-protected password data. This will not corrupt
your database or introduce security problems, however auto-type
will send random-looking data.
None yet. Both problems have been analyzed in detail and will be fixed
in KeePass 1.13 (an almost complete rewrite of the string parsing and
replacement engine will be required).
[Update: This problem has been fixed for KeePass 1.13.
Development snapshot available on request.]
TAN indices are not shown anymore
KeePass Knowledge Base: Upgrading TANs.
Upgrading from KeePass ≤ 1.11 to 1.12
More information can be found in previous release notes: